Sunday, December 14, 2008

The journey home, via 4 days in Paris

In which the Dutchies drive from Nijmegent to Paris and join us for a 4-day vacation in Paris.

Our VRBO sublet on Rue Broca

Oscar checking out Corinne at her favorite spot: the computer.

We stopped for lunch at a small cafe and I experimented with a mirror photo.

Corinne and Corina, waiting for the Metro

Max: happy that his parents are fixing food for him.

Oscar, is it raining inside the apartment?

Corina had heard about a new anthropological museum: Musee du Quai Branly, near the Eiffel Tower. Not only was it a fascinating museum, we also saw the exact same blanket displayed that Dean had purchased in Mopti when someone told him it was "museum quality".

We were creeped out by armed soldiers patrolling many of the tourist destinations.

Last time we were in Paris, Dean and I had found and photographed the home of Rene Descartes. Unfortunately, the photo was in a roll of film that was lost. So we spent a long long time wandering through Paris looking for the house. VOILA!

Sunset over Sacre Couer. Time to head for home. Tearful good-byes to the Dutchies, then back on a plane headed for the USA.

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